TheUltimateWarrior waiting for payment of 312,834 from Glory (in Public Record)

TheUltimateWarrior April 11 2005 2:38 PM EDT

Glory currently owes me $ 312,834 CB2 for the transfer fees on my character I sold to him . I have chat mailed him about this balance but when I go to my chatmail page it does not show any of the ones he has gotten as delivered . It will show ones I type to him that have not been delivered yet but once he gets them they disapear from my chatmail page completely. Any help someone could give as to why this is happening would be great. Thanks TUW.

Relic April 11 2005 4:09 PM EDT

I have not received any chatmails about this. I was waiting for you to let me know about the transfer fees. I will send the cb2 right over.

TheUltimateWarrior April 12 2005 2:10 AM EDT

Payment received thanks . Chatmail must have been messing up or something .
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