The Steveh's new loan :P (in Public Record)

Steve G April 14 2005 12:02 PM EDT

adertyui should be recieving The Steveh from YOU when he gets my chatmails and notices the xfer fee has been sent to him.

the rules are as such

- forging, if any confined to 1 day a week.
- train the main spells on the char unless otherwise informed (apparently unlearning a bunch that YOU seemed to have learn too)
- adertyui keeps all income made from using this character (like it would be any other way)
- i dont expect him to purchase any BA
- he may change minion names, but not the char name
- he will return the character whenever he grows tired, or i ask for him back

just need his confirmation

adertyui April 14 2005 12:06 PM EDT

Yes that right! I will ride the reigns of glory. I'm fine with your rules it's how ya should be played. And I will hand him over when needed. So confirmation, confirmed.
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