computer help (in Off-topic)

yokama April 16 2005 4:08 AM EDT

The chat box at the bottom of the screen won't work and I downloaded the latest version of the java plug in. Please help

InebriatedArsonist April 16 2005 4:19 AM EDT

Try downloading an earlier version of Java <a href="" target="_blank"> here</a>. If you downloaded 5.0, try installing 1.4.2 or 1.4.1. If that doesn't work, maybe you're behind a firewall that blocks the chat port.

InebriatedArsonist April 16 2005 4:35 AM EDT

Hm, well, so much for remembering to switch on HTML.

bartjan April 16 2005 4:43 AM EDT

InebriatedArsonist, that info is outdated. The latest 1.5.0 is perfectly fine, and the problems in earlier 1.5.0 versions are unrelated to whatever problems yokama has.

Yokama, please provide a little bit more detail, such as what Operating System you are using, what browser, what Java plugin you've downloaded (the official Sun one or Microsoft's attempt at a Java plugin), exactly what version (Sun doesn't release their versions in a logical order, so "latest" can mean different things).

I assume that "downloaded" also implies that you did install it?

"won't work": is it just grey, or is there an error message?

If you are using a Mozilla/Netscape based browser, does visiting the page 'about:plugins' show the Java plugin?

You did read FAQs->Chat?

mchaos April 16 2005 10:51 AM EDT

"The latest 1.5.0 is perfectly fine, and the problems in earlier 1.5.0 versions"

why on earth are there multiple 1.5.0 versions? who at Sun's bright idea was that?
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