i wonder how did he do that? (in General)

Fire Upon Heaven April 16 2005 6:12 PM EDT

Forging for 24 hours
DreadnoughtGirl ($429,921)
This guy's 50k pr. can forge that much?
i'm 150k pr can only forge a little over 300k/day
even if he buys ba, that's only 2 more sets of ba. still hard to believe.

slurpz April 16 2005 6:13 PM EDT


lets see...she has newbie bonus...and she can buy 2 sets of BA...if she forges every single possible BA she can break over 600k...whats wrong? newbie bonus gives a bonus of 75%

Mistress Reyna April 16 2005 6:14 PM EDT

thats my girl!

if anyone else is interested in givin this 50k pr a chance see what she can do CM me and we shall discuss

2 Gals and a Dog Inc

slurpz April 16 2005 6:14 PM EDT

when i had the newbie bonus...i was forging with a 41k mpr character...i got around 350k nw a day

LumpBot April 16 2005 6:30 PM EDT

Yeah, the same thing happened with a 130K Pr forger yesterday. It can take them a while to realize buying BA when forging for other isn't quite yet profitable.

slurpz April 16 2005 6:31 PM EDT

then again...DNG was forging for 3_Reyna half the time lol
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