Sabriel / slurpz deal (in Public Record)

Sabriel April 19 2005 4:40 PM EDT

Slurpz needs a loan, 2mil cb2$, and in exchange he will send me a Buckler of Mandos as collateral until the loan is paid off. He may pay in installments or all at once, to be returned no longer than a month from this date. All transfer fees will be borne on the party that is sending the item(s) and/or money. Please confirm that these details are correct. =)

slurpz April 19 2005 4:40 PM EDT

confirmed :P

Sabriel April 19 2005 4:43 PM EDT

Sabriel (Bacunhar) slurpz (Monk) $2000000 -- for a BoM until paid 4:43 PM EDT
slurpz (Monk) Sabriel (Bacunhar) A Buckler of Mandos ($5012) -- collateral 4:42 PM EDT

We're golden =)

Sabriel May 11 2005 12:13 AM EDT

This is a reminder that the payment is due no later than 9 days from now, midnight. I've had little contact with Slurpz since this deal initiated, and all the information I've received is that he has yet to be paid back. If the 2mil cb2$ that I lent him is not returned to me by May 19th, he will keep the cash and I will keep his Buckler of Mandos that I have as collateral. This will only be waived if some ulterior discussion and agreement takes place. Thanks.
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