Who referred me (in General)

mchaos April 21 2005 11:16 AM EDT

Does anyone know where I can figure out who referred me. It was off a sig on slashdot, I just can't remember who it was...

Special J April 21 2005 11:20 AM EDT

I came via a classified on fark.com, not sure who I was put under either.

Vagabond April 21 2005 11:42 AM EDT

take a look through here

I'd imagine Fark and Slashdot are pretty profitable links, so most likely it was one of the bigger numbers. You'll have to click each name and go through their transfer logs to find yourself.

mchaos April 21 2005 11:48 AM EDT

man, I was hoping there was a faster way, I tried text searching the raw logs, but they only go back to the beginning of this month, even on the 'all' filter setting

Special J April 21 2005 11:56 AM EDT

max refered me

Nixon Jibfest April 21 2005 11:58 AM EDT

On CB1, I made $1,235,000 off of a $25 ad. At the time, i coulda bought 2M for $20USD though

Nixon Jibfest April 21 2005 11:59 AM EDT

^ fark ad

bartjan April 21 2005 12:26 PM EDT

There is no referrer info stored for you, so I can't see from what site you came when you signed up. This could be because you either typed the URL manually, or from something like an email, or your browser/network is blocking referrer info.
Also, it wasn't a proper CB refer link.

[EG] Almuric April 21 2005 12:57 PM EDT

I just did a search on slashdot. Mostly Jon appears. I'm in there a good bit, but that's just because my current sig has cb in it (and has for a while.) The only other person is 'jlcooke', but I'm not sure it's a valid referrer link. You can't search on sigs, but I read /. all the time and I've never seen anyone else (besides Jon) advertising cb in their sig.

To sum it up, I'm guessing me or Jon. Welcome.

mchaos April 21 2005 1:10 PM EDT

Thanks bartjan and Almuric. Well it looks like I cheated whoever it was out of a referal, and since I guess Jon would probably be least upset about that, I hope it was him ;)

AdminJonathan April 21 2005 1:13 PM EDT

Mine is a valid referral link, so it wasn't me.

mchaos April 21 2005 1:33 PM EDT

As best I can find (searching slashdot stories on the day I signed up) it would appear to be 'phatix', who according to AKA and user search doesn't exist on CB2. Anyone know about CB1?

Admin{CB1}Slayer333 [SHIELD] April 21 2005 2:28 PM EDT

phatix is a user on Cb1

bartjan April 21 2005 3:14 PM EDT


Looks like someone didn't read the instructions ;)

Before we had Carnage Blender 2, CB1 was "listening" on www.carnageblender.com, and it looks like phatix never bothered to update his sig on /.

AdminJonathan April 21 2005 3:15 PM EDT

Even on CB1 though, it wouldn't lookup a username in the url.

Sukotto [lookingglas] April 21 2005 3:42 PM EDT

Your user_id doesn't show up in any of the referrer logs mchaos. So either you weren't actually referred by anyone, or that person's account is gone, or there was a bug in the refer script. :-)

btw Jon, The title of the refer pages show html markup.

e.g. carnageblender.com/directory/refer-active.tcl?user_id=137 Has the title: Referred by <a><i>dnnx</i></a>

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