Lol... who sells a named item to the store?? (in General)

FatalXception [Money Depot] April 25 2005 3:00 AM EDT

Lol... man I hope this wasn't an accident.. I wouldn't think you would ever want to sell a named item to the store :p

Majestik Moose (Undefeatable) buy The Quickening ($19363) 1:50 AM EDT

BooDiggity (FunkPuppy II) sell The Quickening ($19363) 1:49 AM EDT

[Banned]Monty April 25 2005 3:02 AM EDT

it was an accident man check the logs

FatalXception [Money Depot] April 25 2005 3:06 AM EDT

Majestik Moose (Undefeatable) BooDiggity (Czech Forger) The Quickening ($96817) -- bee more careful :P

Lol, yeah... lucky it got bought by an honorable person.

Majestik Moose April 25 2005 3:08 AM EDT

/me laughs at his attempts to pronounce "be".

[Banned]Monty April 25 2005 3:10 AM EDT

lol thats a hefty stupidity tax

BooDiggens April 25 2005 3:25 AM EDT

Yeah, just so everyone knows, Moose asked for nothing in return. So I sent him some money.

/me carps himself for trying to level down his tat, and accidentally selling it.

slurpz April 25 2005 4:57 AM EDT


Zoglog[T] [big bucks] April 25 2005 8:43 AM EDT

congrats Boo you have successfully been accepted to the League of Extraordinarily Stupid Gentlemen :)

smallpau1 - Go Blues [Lower My Fees] April 25 2005 10:58 AM EDT

i hope everyone will be like MM in this situation.... I'm always afraid to unequip something thinking i may sell it by accident, and have someone not give it back to me...>.>

Nixon Jibfest April 25 2005 11:38 AM EDT

it's not the first time something like this has happened and in the most part, the person gets they're item back. I can only recall one incident in CB1 where the person buying didn't give the item back, and that person is apparently leaving CB2.
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