strat advie for new character? (in General)

Jason Bourne April 27 2005 12:52 AM EDT

Hey I just got a new character and I was wondering what I should do with him. Here are the two strats I have narrowed it down to…

Strat one….4 minions

1) hp mm amf
2) hp mm VA
3) BL tank
4) TOA tank

Strat two…3 minions

1) Wall (cobf, mage shield)
2) TOA tank with VA
3) MM mage with amf

Fell free to mess around, im just looking for the best idea….thanks any and all help is appreciated!

Mags April 27 2005 1:18 AM EDT

How much cash do you have to throw around? Any particularly nice items you have to incorporate?

Jason Bourne April 27 2005 2:12 AM EDT

heh, 2.7 mill...i already got an exe and a comp and a toa....looking to acquire a CBF and mgs. does that help u come up with anything? :D im really leaning towards the strat with the wall, unless someone can convince me to keep the other and have 2 tanks....

IndependenZ April 27 2005 2:28 AM EDT

How about ET?

1) Enchanter with AMF/VA
2) BL tank with ToA

Just a thought ... =)

Manta April 27 2005 2:53 AM EDT

If you use a CoBF, you will not much DX on your tank (since the enemy tanks and ToJ will die quickly anyhow).
Since you are not using AS, I think that both your strategies will be low on HP.
Why MM instead of CoC?
If you have enough money to buy a morgul hammer or a BTH, you can ditch VA on the second strat.
2 tanks and 2 mages on the same teams does not seems a good idea to me (especially if you do not use ED spells). The first strat could be substituted with a 2 minions mage/tank strat.
You could also use a 3 minion strat: ench(AMF+AS), Wall, ToA tank.

TheEverblacksky April 27 2005 4:54 PM EDT

the CBF alone costs over 3 mil alone.

Jason Bourne April 27 2005 5:03 PM EDT

just took about a 4 mill forging job :D money isnt a problem

Reebok April 27 2005 7:01 PM EDT

Blacksky, do you work in the department of redundancy department?
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