Packing list and tips for people going to Iraq? (in Off-topic)

Sukotto [lookingglas] April 28 2005 11:38 AM EDT

A few of our number (Smashure, Dirty Hippy, and Special Ed for example) are in the US armed forces and either have, or will be taking a tour of duty in Iraq.

So, for those of you who have gone (or know people who have gone), what suggestions would you give to those people about items to pack and ways to stay cool? I'm particularly interested in hearing about items that you never even thought you'd need but wished you had once you were there.

I'd like to avoid rants and stupid jokes. Instead let's give practical and considerate suggestions to our friends here as they get ready to go.

Special J April 28 2005 11:49 AM EDT

Pack a woman.

Seriously though,

Lots of sand and sun, so sun block and a high SPF one at that.

Look around your house and think about things you use daily to make your life easier, like a shoe horn perhaps, get that specific. And then take those items.

Undertow April 28 2005 11:51 AM EDT

I hope you don't mind, but to add to things for this thread, I was wondering what people who have been to Iraq can tell me about American civilian workers over there.

I have my CDL, and it's hard as hell for me to find a job here because of a very bad driving record, the day I got my CDL I got into an accident. But from what I understand, if I were willing to go to Iraq, they simply wouldn't care, and it's fat pay.

So, to keep things slightly on track, what would I bring? And um... you know... just whatever you can tell me. Not meaning to Hijack, just kind of along the same lines. I don't want to hear about the war either.

Special J April 28 2005 11:56 AM EDT

If you are willing to place yourself in danger for "fat pay" then by all means, go ahead. But I will sit back and shake my head in pity. Money is not everything, you have your CDL but a bad record, perhaps driving trucks is not for you?

Vagabond April 28 2005 12:06 PM EDT


Enough said.

Sukotto [lookingglas] April 28 2005 12:07 PM EDT

I don't mind Undertow :-)
One thing I have heard is you should take as many AA batteries as you can fit in your luggage. Apparently they can be hard to come by over there. (If that's the case, I guess you could take a solar battery charger as Iraq doesn't have many cloudy days.

I've also heard you should set up webmail in advance and make sure all your friends know the address. Apparently gmail is a good choice.

Do the Army or Contract companies provide language instruction? If not, maybe it's worth getting the basic Pimsleur Arabic course on tape (or on your iPod).

Special J April 28 2005 12:10 PM EDT

Facts about that picture.

Its two spiders clung together, they do not bite nor are they poisonous. So unless you simply do not like things that walk around on 8 legs, it's nothing to be concerned with.

Taking mass batteries on planes now is a huge problem and I doubt you will get the bag cleared through screening.

I finally see April 28 2005 12:17 PM EDT

Undertow, wth? You say you aren't hijacking, yet you say "I don't want to hear about the war either." Well good, Because it isn't your thread!

LumpBot April 28 2005 12:33 PM EDT

Well vicous, Sukotto didn't ask about the war either, he asked what daily things you should bring. ;)

Undertow April 28 2005 2:00 PM EDT

Yah, I figured 'I'd like to avoid rants and stupid jokes. Instead let's give practical and considerate suggestions to our friends here as they get ready to go.' meant: "Keep if off the war and on the luggage!"

And here is my view on going to work in Iraq:

Yes, people die. I understand that. I understand that American are dragged through the streets and hung in city squares. That's not my problem. See, I look at it by the numbers. How many of us are over there? How many people over there have died? I've never won the lottery, and I don't expect to start now.

So, If they're willing to pay me a whole bunch to go somewhere where people hate me and drive a truck... sure? If I die, well, maybe that was my purpose in life, to add to the casualty total. Who knows? It's a risk I'd be willing to take.

Not only would I recieve a good amount of cash, but I think it would be a huge life lesson as well. I don't understand the war, and I trust American news coverage, I think the best way to go learn about it would be to see it up close and personal. And aside from the spiders, I'm not afraid to do that.

Sukotto [lookingglas] April 28 2005 2:31 PM EDT

Yes, I wanted to keep the focus on useful tips for luggage.
We're drifting away from that and I'd really like to bring it back to the topic.

Does anyone (or anyone you know) with experience in an Iraq-like environment have tips on thinks you should take? Things that you might not be told in official packing lists?

Sukotto [lookingglas] April 28 2005 3:27 PM EDT

Even though I sense there isn't enough interest to really get this conversation off the ground I thought I'd post a few things that look worth investigating. (links open in new window)

Ascent April 28 2005 3:33 PM EDT

Powdered drink mixes... like Gatorade... that's also something that's great to get shipped over if you have loved ones here... my brother in law was in Iraq for almost a year. I have an email out to him to see if there's anything else he recommends, but I know that was high on his "please send" list.

I'll post here when I hear back from him.

Undertow April 28 2005 3:56 PM EDT

I saw this flashlight on TV the other day, it's like a sharper image gadget. It was a flashlight that was powered by shaking it, not batteries required.

From the people that I've talked to, the place is so dusty that even eye drops are useless. You just learn to live with it. Your gonna be hot and dirty and smelly all the time. Just the way it is.

Reebok April 28 2005 4:25 PM EDT

I have one of those flashlights Undertow, they're awesome.

wldflr April 28 2005 5:45 PM EDT

chapstick and lots of gum, mints.. anything to keep your mouth moist:)

[Redneck RV] Truc April 28 2005 6:19 PM EDT

Perhaps a small flash memory mp3 player, one that can accept add'l memory cards.

They are very light, and easy on batteries because they have no moving parts.

Also, people back home could send you new cards stuffed with not only music, but "audio letters" . Pictures could be on them too if you had access to a computer for transfer/viewing.

Maybe a camera that uses the same memory while you're at it.

[Redneck RV] Truc April 28 2005 6:29 PM EDT

Another thought: Anbesol....It's not just for teeth anymore.

I found it handy in Panama for bug bites and for anesthetizing blisters and a nearly broken big toe.

Regarding beverage mix, If you like tea consider tea bags. My mother is always making "Sun tea": throw a bag or two in a jar of water and let the sun do the work.

House April 29 2005 3:52 AM EDT

been there done that....

powder drink mixes are a must.
don't take anything expensive if you want to keep it...the sand gets everywhere...
after a month or so in summer underwear is an afterthought.....

the drivers in te Middle East/ South East Asia are insane...BE WARNED>

basic rules of the road don't apply....

the mail system sucks, so if your mom send a cheese ball expect it to explode upon receipt....

Your better of driving in Kuwait or geting hooked up with Arab/American oil company services...same big pay..a little less dangerous.....some of these same companies also higher out for Australia..which is an awesome place :)

A bad driving record can make it tuff to get a government gig i.e. driving military etc etc.....

A sat phone is a really good idea if you can afford, especially if your on your own over there.....
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