KCC8120//Zach Forging Deal (in Public Record)

KCC8120 April 29 2005 5:02 PM EDT

Zach is gonna forge my Compound Bow from x27 +26 to X40 +30 for 750k in one week. I've sent 700k so far and owe 50k.

48Zach April 29 2005 5:05 PM EDT


As agreed in pm , I will have an extra 3 day loan to complete this forge deal. I am forging Killing Rain ( named compound ) from [5x27] (+26) to [5x40] (+30) for 750k at 75% as this is about a 1 mil NW forge job

If wanted , I will forge another item for KCC8120 , or forge more on the compound , as i have fun working with him.


KCC8120 April 30 2005 12:54 AM EDT

last 50k sent, in transfer logs
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