Question. (in General)

[Banned]Monty April 30 2005 3:15 AM EDT

Since i myself have never seen a ToA in stores is it under a Tattoo section? or is it under body armor or cloaks?

Khardin April 30 2005 3:21 AM EDT

this is one of those zen questions, isn't it?

like, who would win between a minion trained in AMF and a minion trained in dispel magic?
or would they both disappear?

or try community->item meta-stats

Sevare April 30 2005 3:30 AM EDT

its under tattoos like all tattoos i would assume

Will [Retired] April 30 2005 3:34 AM EDT

yeah right at the bottom of the page under 'tattoos'

bartjan April 30 2005 4:22 AM EDT

Question: Why can't you use a proper subject?

Xiaz on Hiatus April 30 2005 5:41 AM EDT

Answer: YES!
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