Believe it or not (amount of usd in cb2) (in General)

[-war-] April 30 2005 9:35 PM EDT

This game currently at 59500 usd if you convert all the items nw into cb2 cash + add up all the cash everyone has and convert to usd at 1mill =20 usd. Funny.
And Jonathans central bank alone has 2790 usd. Got it from checking the stats on community thing hehe.

Mags April 30 2005 10:24 PM EDT

The amount of CB2$ and item NW have increased by roughly 20% and 33% respectively in the last 3-4 weeks, by my recollection, yet the exchange rate's been pretty standard. Must be a lot of demand or really sticky prices.

[-war-] April 30 2005 10:30 PM EDT

yes but 60k in usd generated in past what this is end uf april so lets say 4 full months of doing stuff it generated 60k usd if u add up all the cash probably even more considering stuff in store/sol to store got deleted hehe. Thats just huge heh.

Undertow April 30 2005 11:13 PM EDT

Actually, I'd say less, because alot of that is leather and crap that really doesn't sell for USD at NW.

NSFY May 1 2005 12:14 AM EDT

Gee just think about all that oil in the mideast and how much it is worth at the current prices. I wonder why they just don't sell it all now?

Reebok May 1 2005 9:35 AM EDT

Funny thing about oil prices, Exxon reported their highest profits ever for the past quarter. Hmmmm, kind of makes you think doesn't it.
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