Gaza/Dyno Deal (in Public Record)

{cb1}dyno May 1 2005 11:21 PM EDT

Gaza will be buying VBSpike for me in exchange for 1.5 million NW in forging. I have DB's coming to me hopefully that he would forge, if not I'd find him other work for the same value. The character will be sent now, with myself paying the xfer fees. He will pay all forging fees. I will give him a month, give or take a few days pending complications, to complete the task. Please confirm =)

5583 days old {Gaza} May 1 2005 11:22 PM EDT


{cb1}dyno May 1 2005 11:56 PM EDT

dynom|te Gaza{Returned}{Control} VBSpike 11:46 PM EDT

5583 days old {Gaza} May 3 2005 7:08 PM EDT

DB's received for 1 week, will start forging them later today, when I have BA

5583 days old {Gaza} May 17 2005 6:25 PM EDT

completed (as soon as DB's return from BS)
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