Umm, that is only 4 minions.
May 2 2005 3:20 AM EDT
Just as well I'm not fighting with that character anymore then isn't it... LOL, you're right - massacre.
But it is only 4 minions you killed - Tonya and Raven Queen are the same minion
There oughta be a law about using comma's in a minion name.
Still, a rather rare fight considering my CoBF didn't seem to come in to play.
Yes, my PR is higher (140k vs 80k) but still...
May 2 2005 3:29 AM EDT
Raven's a dead char. Ran it to buy tank gear for a while. Used to be a ToE mage at the back till I sold the tattoo to raise some funds. Did alright with it until I got bored.=)
Yeah, maybe we should make commas illegal!
Sigh, I figured I missed a Changelog to name Familiars...I really should get some sleep ;)
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