Reebok's Best Day Ever! (in Off-topic)

Reebok May 6 2005 4:06 AM EDT

Wow, today (so far) has been my best day on CB ever! A few landmarks...

-My first #1 on a stats page
Reebok: Clan MVP's 24 hours

-I broke 100K PR (yes I know it's not MPR, but quit raining on my parade).

-CoU made it to #3 clan (Great job guys!).

Don't worry I'm not gonna start bragging all the time or get big headed, but it's really nice to have a good day. I've been so frustrated with my CB suckiness, lately. =)

{CB1}Lukeyman May 6 2005 6:56 AM EDT

Nice Reebok, Keep up the good work!
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