My Idea for PR // NW! (in General)

Devil Burrito May 6 2005 6:58 PM EDT

I have been thinking quite a bit about the whole linking PR to Networth and what not... I don't wont it to happen but I was trying to think of a way to link them that I wouldn't mind as much... and I got it! Make a networth "cap". Maybe x80-100 of the PR ( I thought I heard that floating around on another post ). Once this cap is exceeded your PR increases to a maxium of 25% of your prior pr. ( I.E a PR of 100k could go up to 125k. ) Dunno. Made since to me >.>

Reebok May 7 2005 4:25 AM EDT

Yeah the idea of a "soft cap" has been brought up (and usually around the range you are suggesting).

I like it, it prevents players from spending an insane amount of USD *shifty eyes*, but still allows near full NW freedom (a 100K NW item still allows a 1K NW char near dominance over "casual" 1K NW players).
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