Theme Blender (in Off-topic)

[Banned]Monty May 7 2005 2:19 PM EDT

Ok so here is whats going on....i created a theme "MontyTheme" and it said it was made so i typed the name and my password then Logged in. but i dont know where/how to change the colors fonts ect...

bartjan May 7 2005 2:27 PM EDT

You'll change the colors/fonts etc. using CSS in the big text area. See a CSS tutorial for how to do it, or take a look at some other themes you happen to like.

[Banned]Monty May 7 2005 2:40 PM EDT


Synco May 7 2005 2:41 PM EDT

um...what's CSS?

Sukotto [lookingglas] May 7 2005 2:58 PM EDT

CSS is an acronym for "Cascading Style Sheets", an extremely powerful method of defining the color, size, and layout of elements in an HTML page.

Some good places to learn about CSS are:

  1. W3 Schools
  2. HTMLHelp
  3. Echo Echo

For something a little more advanced (and aimed at professional designers), you might like CSS Zen Garden.

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