New User Stat (in General)

5583 days old {Gaza} May 8 2005 6:50 PM EDT

I was wondering about a combined User PR stat, with the total of all the characters under that user's control

Devil Burrito May 8 2005 10:08 PM EDT

It would be a nice addition to the manage characters page.. if it came to be :)

I finally see May 8 2005 10:25 PM EDT

What for?

5583 days old {Gaza} May 8 2005 11:00 PM EDT

to gauge your collective teams vs other people's collective teams

maulaxe May 8 2005 11:04 PM EDT

but besides being to to fel smug and or get warm fuzzies inside because you have more farm teams than whoever else, it would not really tell you anything - having five mediocre teams is not nearly as good as having one good team.

this seems at the same level of actual usefulness as knowing what the oldest weapon and armor are...
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