Network Television over the Internet (in Off-topic)

BrandonLP May 8 2005 7:44 PM EDT

My dilemma is this: I have cable internet (as well as basic cable, however, I seem to have forgotten my USB TV Tuner card in the move from Oklahoma to Boulder) and I was wondering if anyone knew of site that possibly streams out basic networks. I've found several that offer news-only channels, but it'd be nice to watch NBC and CBS from time to time. Thanks in advance.

Special J May 8 2005 7:47 PM EDT

not legaly atleast.

[Banned]Monty May 8 2005 7:50 PM EDT

shhh >.>

BrandonLP May 8 2005 7:51 PM EDT

Well, I figured there would be a legit way since network television is free, I'm just not sure about "rebroadcasting" laws.

[-war-] May 9 2005 7:12 PM EDT

There is but lets just say they don't want to show television even though they promise it, basicly download their program then install and then try to watch then the program complains that you need this this and this. Anyways I wish there was internet tv too, I do know that there are sites that do internet only tv shows though.

HellBlender May 9 2005 10:49 PM EDT

have you tried rabbit ears yet? Not the old school ones, but the type that plugs into the cable input. I got a decent reception on my regular TV with them but I don't have a TV tuner card so I'm not sure if their reception is good enough.

BrandonLP May 9 2005 11:04 PM EDT

The problem is, I don't have the TV or TV Tuner Card. Having either would solve my problem. ;)

HellBlender May 9 2005 11:24 PM EDT

LOL! I wonder why the local channels don't stream? I'm not a ratings expert, but you'd think that it would be easier to track an online audience vs. people watching it over the air. and did make me think of something. Looking into a HD card for my computer! (assuming that HD is still sent over the air)
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