Forging experts - help! MC formula (in General)

Yohan May 10 2005 11:44 AM EDT

I have seen a lot of formulas for the Mithril Cuirass


Does anyone have experience with this?

bartjan May 10 2005 11:50 AM EDT

I don't know if you have a CB1 account, but you can always ask Lumpbot:
=> LumpBot whatis mc
Mithril Cuirass. AC 35. Magic Penalty -8%. Dex Penalty -2%. Forge +[190(1 xtra quench),35]

chernobyl May 10 2005 12:07 PM EDT

My MC was trained up using the 200-35 recipe and it did not fail me - it actually granted huge amounts upon tempering.

CBMan11 May 10 2005 3:53 PM EDT

Also, you can ask frodbot (whatis mc), a new feature added to CB2 by Frod. (hes still working out some kinks, but it should be just about done.
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