TSA in auctions - a two-hour glitch (in General)

chernobyl May 12 2005 7:03 PM EDT

Clicked auctions and see:

A Trollskin Armor [22] (+28) ($1,100,000) ends in 01:50:47

Clicking it reports a server error. It's auction #21410.

csraven May 12 2005 8:16 PM EDT

TSA is supposed to be a CB1 item... either Jon implemented it here in CB2, or someone hacked... cause i got the same error...

Special J May 12 2005 8:20 PM EDT

TSA was apart of CB2 as well, and it was removed recently.

Where did this guy get his "hacking" response?

chernobyl May 12 2005 8:22 PM EDT

lol, he's a friend of mine mrwuss, he's still new to CB at all and probably never saw a TSA before =)

csraven May 12 2005 8:25 PM EDT

i dont know, i never saw it here before... and i know plenty of people who look for little "hack" glitches so that they can be fixed for better game play... im just saying it seems a little odd to me... im not saying nessecarily that someone hacked it... im just courious as to how it appeared here when its all over CB1 and why it gives a server error when you click on it thats all...

Bull3t F4c3 May 12 2005 8:37 PM EDT

cuz they no longer exist
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