Help my BA are not increasing as I think they should (in General)

Yohan May 12 2005 7:53 PM EDT

Ok I have been watching actively for 16 minutes now and my BA increased from 40 to 41. ?!?!?! This makes things a bit tough. Anyone have suggestions?

chernobyl May 12 2005 8:05 PM EDT

This is nothing new; i've seen rollbacks where I actually lost BA and XP.

FAQ -> Battle Allocation could help answer this question as well.

csraven May 12 2005 8:13 PM EDT

BA ad exp have been reset several time in the past week... at first i thought Jon was updating the game, but still you shouldn' loose progress... and i dont know what to say about the BA balance, or lack thereof, on your end Yohan...
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