Please farm my character (in General)

Sukotto [lookingglas] May 13 2005 11:26 PM EDT

I bought a Toa level 20. When I saw it listed, I misread that as level 20k. Whoops.
I plan to keep it, but now my character Skucum (Score / PR:  44,403 / 36,832) can't compete at its current level .

If you have a character in the 30k ~ 45k range and would like an easy target, I'd appreciate it if you'd farm me for a while. I prefer my fightlist to show people I'm likely to beat and for that I need to drop my score by about 20k.


Xiaz on Hiatus May 14 2005 12:36 AM EDT

Join a clan, and I'll farm you. Free of charge :)
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