madmax3 // Sabriel deal (in Public Record)

Sabriel May 16 2005 6:05 PM EDT

max so graciously offered to pay my supportership for 450k. I have sent 400k so far, and I will send the last 50k to him tomorrow.

Sabriel (Bacunhar) madmax3 (The Extras) $400000 -- 50k still owed: VB 6:03 PM EDT

max, please confirm this when you get a minute after you get back from work, and thanks again!!

madmax3 May 17 2005 5:19 AM EDT

yep, done & done. 50k waivered also as agreed in cm.

Sabriel May 19 2005 4:27 PM EDT

Thanks so much madmax! I appreciate the waive of the 50k, and my all of your deals be as honest and sound as this one. People are lucky to negotiate with you. =)
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