Bye CB COntest #6 - The Last One.... (in Contests)

QBBarzooMonkey May 18 2005 10:28 PM EDT

I'm almost done! The final prize is:

150K CB2 $
The Eternal Spirit of Fred (named Tattoo of Jigorokano) lvl 24,970 373,244

The Tat is named for the older of my dogs, Fred, who I had to put down last October...
He was 14, which means I got him in 1989. He was named for a very popular (at that time) NFL (American football) nose tackle. First one with the nose tackle's full name & the team he played for, one reply per player, takes it.

Good luck again!

Tenchi Muyo May 18 2005 10:32 PM EDT

Fred Smerlas - Buffalo Bills

Hopefully that's it!

SBW May 18 2005 10:34 PM EDT

Fred Smerlas who played for the Buffallo Bills

SBW May 18 2005 10:34 PM EDT

darn, someone posted before me =(

QBBarzooMonkey May 18 2005 10:34 PM EDT

Man, that was fast - I thought this would be a hard one! Where to?

Tenchi Muyo May 18 2005 10:35 PM EDT

Tenchi Muyo please ^_^

QBBarzooMonkey May 18 2005 10:56 PM EDT

That's it, the last of my gear is gone! Ya'll have fun, and spend big money on the Nixon Jibfest charity auction. Good night everybody!
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