60th anniversary of the kamikaze attack on the USS Douglas H. Fox (DD (in Off-topic)

MudBug The Redeemer May 19 2005 10:01 AM EDT

An email my grandmother sent me from a shipmate my grandfather served with.
He lived but several weren't so lucky.

Hello shipmates & friends,
I received a phone call about 1/2 hour ago from Harry Holtzclaw. He called to remind me that today, the 17th of May, 2005, is the 60th anniversary of the kamikaze attack on the USS Douglas H. Fox (DD 779) during the battle for Okinawa . From the ship's logs, 7 men were killed, 2 were missing, and 17 were seriously wounded. Harry told me that he was going to have a beer and sit back and reflect upon that memorable day. I am sure that those of you who were there will be thinking about that day, too. I want you to know that our thoughts and prayers go out to you and our fallen shipmates. This is a day that should NEVER be forgotten by any crew member of the Fox. Those of you who served with them, and those of us who served after, will always be grateful and proud of your courageous actions during that eventful and tragic day. We are honored to be called a shipmate, and we salute you and hold you always, in deep respect. Stand tall, my friends. You did a hell of a job, and we are in your debt. Those of us who were not there, can never know the extent of the battle like you who fought it, but we can extend our sympathy and prayers to each and every man and salute and say "THANK YOU" for your bravery and sacrifice. I am honored to have you as my friends and shipmates. God Bless You, one and all.
In closing, I wish you all good health, happiness, and a long life. Until later, as always, Vaya Con Dios to you and yours. Shipmates and friends forever.
Tom "Windy" Sherman
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