Alleviation seeks 6 PR member (in General)

BrandonLP May 23 2005 9:31 PM EDT

The max PR you can accept is 6. Asterisked users would put your Clan over its membership limit.

That's right ladies and gentlemen, step right up and join this fine clan. Now, I know there are a lot of you 6 PR members who've been waiting weeks for an opportunity like this, so you have to correctly answer this question: If Fuhgawz could be a fish, what fish would he like to be most? Good luck and we hope to see you in the clan!

Synco May 23 2005 9:37 PM EDT

Fuh would like to be a halibut. Or maybe a trout or salmon.

BrandonLP May 23 2005 9:39 PM EDT

You're already in the clan, sort of. Sheesh, taking advantage of my generosity... young people.
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