X-Kings (in Off-topic)

Mithril May 24 2005 11:46 AM EDT

X-Kings recently reset....if anyone is interested in trying the game out use my link to help us both out. You will become one of my officers, thereby getting an automatic support point every day when I log in (leads to bonus units) I will also get the support point each day you log in, so the more active you are the better. If you log in and send an extra support point I will be able to send you one also, giving us +2 each per day.

Tis a fun game, and several have already tried it out...take a flier and give it a try, heres my link:


Mem May 24 2005 12:46 PM EDT

Well I tried to sign up, but it kept telling me that my email address was invalid. Quite a bit puzzling that was to me so I stopped trying. Sorry.
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