Clan "Shadow Walkers" is looking for one new member (in General)

blackshadowshade May 28 2005 3:00 AM EDT

KingElfstone and I are looking for ONE new member, probably a supporter, who would like to join a clan and can manage 1500 clan points a WEEK. Not much, but it guarantees that there is some commitment to generating clan points. We apply the same criterion to ourselves, allowing us to forge, go on holiday and not stress when we can't put in 8 hours every day, 6 days a week. However, as you will note if you look at the clan, we often generate many more points per week, and are regularly hitting low clan bonuses.

Joining a clan will raise your profile to all those clan farmers, and that's exactly why we're in a clan too. Free XP and free money is certainly not to be sneezed at.

Please send chat mail to me directly.

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