Non-clanners welcome (in General)

Will [Retired] May 28 2005 8:07 AM EDT

If you've never been in a clan before, or found that it is a real drag, then this is for you. Im going to start up a clan soon and all will be welcome and treated well, you can forge, fight, camp, or just troll the message boards all day long... its up to you.

I haven't decided on a name yet, but thats not too important.
If you've always thought 'I don't want to join a clan because I'll get farmed' well we can work on that, and you get more out of fighting for a clan than fighting nomad-style!

So if you're interested, or not, drop me a cm, flame or whatever. If you want, try suggesting some names for it, Ive thought of a couple already:

*Nightfire (after my fav game :P)
*The Raven's Nest
*Introception... nah actually thats poo, please come up with some better ones!

Cheers dudes :D

Zoglog[T] [big bucks] May 28 2005 8:39 AM EDT

Having an actual clan that doesn't really fight is a bit pointless don't you think?
I am not trying to flame but unless those that do fight get enough to cover losses then it will be disbanded in a matter of weeks.
I think maybe making an e-clan for this would be a good idea though, gaining $ from all aspects through fighters, campers and forgers.

Will [Retired] May 28 2005 8:48 AM EDT

*hopefully people who dont fight that much will come round to the fact that its better off to do so, but Im not against other activities because I partake in them also ;) Obviously I would prefer peeps that can produce a +ve clan score...

Will [Retired] May 28 2005 1:45 PM EDT


Jason Bourne May 28 2005 2:33 PM EDT

Willpower :P

Will [Retired] May 28 2005 4:03 PM EDT

Genius* :D
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