spydah / undertow (in Public Record)

spydah May 29 2005 1:12 AM EDT

Loaning my DBs to Undertow for 1 week at a time. 'Rental/Forge Cost' is as follows:

Under 300k NW added/week, Undertow pays forge fees.

Over 300k NW added/week, I pay forge fees.

Over 500k NW added/week, I pay 50% of whatever the NW increase is.

Awaiting confirmation.


Undertow May 29 2005 4:29 PM EDT

Confirmed! Sorry, I got 17 hours of sleep last night...

Well... not really sorry.

Undertow May 30 2005 12:21 PM EDT

beginning of the week:

A Pair of Displacement Boots [6] (+30) 783,045

Undertow June 5 2005 4:13 PM EDT

End of the week:

A Pair of Displacement Boots [6] (+41) 1,686,663
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