Text Overlapping in thread posts and CM's (in Off-topic)

smallpau1 - Go Blues [Lower My Fees] May 29 2005 3:45 AM EDT

i have had this problem for quite some time now...

I noticed it the one time i made too many errors and spellchecker made me go back to change some things, well when i changed them, everything i would type it would delete the leter in front of the cursor to make room for the added letter

i.e. - i would mistakenly type countr, (i obviously miss the "e" in counter), so i went back in and tried adding the "e" and it came out with this..."counte"

I was just wondering if maybe Jon knew what we could do to turn off text overlap in forum posts and CM's...

I know it has happened to BooDiggity (said a few times it has happened) and I and I'm sure others as well.

Shadowsparkle [Jago] May 29 2005 4:04 AM EDT

Maybe you just have to press the 'insert' key?

CoolWater May 29 2005 9:10 AM EDT

That sounds more like the insert key.
Never happens to me though.
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