Reeboks/madmax3 deal (in Public Record)

Reebok June 4 2005 7:33 PM EDT

OK here's the deal...

Madmax3 is selling me his named EG +10. He's also renaming them "A Bowling Glove"

This is being done for $1,650,000.

I'm paying $1,350,000 now, with $300k to be paid within a week.

Ok that's all folks.

madmax3 June 4 2005 7:38 PM EDT

it's all true.

gloves renamed and sent. :)

Reebok June 4 2005 10:02 PM EDT

Most of money sent. Still owe 300K.

Reebok June 13 2005 5:24 PM EDT

Reebok (Oysterhead) madmax3 (The Extras) $300000 5:23 PM EDT

Debts paid.
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