Help! Birthday Doom! (in Off-topic)

Templar June 4 2005 7:40 PM EDT

Ok...i need help. Badly. Someone in particulars birthday is coming up, and i need to either get her something, or do something for her. This girl is HER, if you know what i mean.

The Problems
1-It can't take longer than an Hour
2-i'm only 14, so im financially screwed ($50 max)
3-she's kinda mad at me right now
4-she's a rocker kind of person....
5-i'm hella nervous
6-it's the 12th. I need to do something quick.
7-Her parents hate my guts

So, any ideas?

LumpBot June 4 2005 7:51 PM EDT

This might be a bit of work, but if you really like her, it's inexpensive and effective.
Go to a simple crafts store. Buy wooden letters that spell out her favorite rock band. Buy some plain acrylic paint. Random cool but not too girly decorations.
Get to work, make the coolest "poster" of all time. But I suggest sketching out how you're going to make it look good.
Buy a dozen roses.
Walk up to her and give them both to her. Do not leave them around, show her your confidence even though you say you're shy, she will appreciate it.

[Banned]Monty June 4 2005 7:55 PM EDT

u could get her, yes, roses and a bracelet or a necklace =)

Jason Bourne June 4 2005 8:02 PM EDT

get her a rose, make her a card YOURSELF (use photoshop or your friends photoshop) and offer (to her parents) to mow their lawn for free. that way they will like you :D

LumpBot June 4 2005 8:06 PM EDT

Also, an easy one for her parents.
A while back my GF's parents didn't approve of me much until I looked at her Dad's book shelf. I notice a ton of books about an author I knew a bit about and mentioned it. We talked for about 45 minutes about the author and ever since they've liked me a ton more ;)

BrandonLP June 4 2005 8:24 PM EDT

If you're looking to get in her good graces again, you can never go wrong with something made by yourself. If she doesn't like it, you shouldn't be wasting your time on her. While it's a good idea to ask around for ideas, in the end, you need to be the one with the idea. You know her, and her parents it seems, better than the rest of us. All we can do is guide you in a positive direction (ie, not spelling out her name in lighter fluid on her lawn and setting it on fire).

If you've got any culinary skills at all, cooking is always a nice touch.

wldflr June 4 2005 8:26 PM EDT

If you've got any culinary skills at all, cooking is always a nice touch.
that's a great idea! Make her some goofy cupcakes :) OR, introduce her to CB and buy her a kat for her bday :)

Templar June 4 2005 9:03 PM EDT

rofl, i have 1 hour to do it. cooking isn't an option. and i got her a boquet or however you spell it aranged from one of my friends who works as a florist....still need more help you know? /me gets on his knees to beg, then stops himself

[Banned]Monty June 4 2005 9:18 PM EDT

give her a hug! lol oh oh buy her a CD :)

BrandonLP June 4 2005 9:38 PM EDT

Cook in advance. One year, I was dating a girl and I made up a nice meal before we went out for her birthday. We went to the park and saw a movie. During that time, I had her roommates heat everything back up and setup the dinner. It was perfect when we arrived.

So, get in her parents good graces by calling them in advance and letting them know. Perhaps you can take her out somewhere and they can have it ready when you get back.

Undertow June 4 2005 9:41 PM EDT

Write a poem, if she doesn't play CB even have the community do it as a contest and SAY you wrote it.

However, listen, at your age, parents KILL a relationship. If her parents hate you, it's over. First she'll be grounded, so she'll call you on the phone, then she'll get the phone taken away, so she'll sneak out to see you, then they nail her windows shut, and eventually she's locked in a cage.

Do you want to see this girl locked in a cage? Your a horrible person.

; )

I know you won't listen, I was 14 once too, and I had my "the one" but unless she shoots laser beams from her eyes there are a dozen girls like her you'll meet in college or something. Even if she shoots laser beams from her eyes, modern tech is crazy, you might find another.
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