soulcalibur forging for rubberduck.. (in Public Record)

Jason Bourne June 6 2005 10:20 AM EDT

An Assassin's Crossbow [4x27] (+48) 2,965,712

ill take it up to x30 first...then later up to +50 on another loan probably.

Jason Bourne June 6 2005 5:02 PM EDT

An Assassin's Crossbow [4x28] (+48) 3,044,481

yep yep...moving on up...looking like an x per day.
(this is only during school hours when i cant fight, so the rate is lower, as i dont do much)

Jason Bourne June 8 2005 6:52 PM EDT

An Assassin's Crossbow [4x29] (+48) 3,132,861

only got x2 cause i didnt go to school yesterday :S my car battery died...

thats 167,149 added, and at 75% that comes to:

$125,362 you dont actually have to pay me this, since i was loaned money by you, so just remove it from my debt :P ill post it in the debt logs.
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