Hahahahah (in General)

Arorrr June 9 2005 12:12 AM EDT

Currently upgrades take 4 minutes per point upgraded. Items already in the queue will keep the blacksmith busy for the next 00:00:00.

Fear the Network King!

LumpBot June 9 2005 1:24 AM EDT

This happens a ton now. I just buy stuff now because I have nothing to do with my money. I can't touch my NW at all.

Mags June 9 2005 1:30 AM EDT

Network King?

Either way, yes, it's extremely common, though I'm about to shove an Exbow into that queue for about 6 hours before giving it all to Carnt Spall. :D

LumpBot June 9 2005 1:31 AM EDT

Lol, I think he meant Networth King =P
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