Carnage Blender Law Suit (in General)

Cranium Basher June 9 2005 7:10 AM EDT

Cranium Basher (Prince Chuckles) buy An Elven Long Bow ($8080) 7:06 AM EDT
Cranium Basher (Prince Chuckles) buy A Helm of Durin ($7413) 7:05 AM EDT
Cranium Basher (Prince Chuckles) buy A Tattoo of Augmentation ($2206) 7:05 AM EDT

Think I should Sue for an asthma attack and a near heart attack?

TheEvolution June 9 2005 7:43 AM EDT


Arorrr June 9 2005 8:11 AM EDT

Want to hire me as your lawyer? You can pay me with CB2... harhar
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