Request: Allow custom themes to be "permanent." (in General)

Xiaz on Hiatus June 10 2005 7:09 AM EDT

It's a real hassle having to change one's theme to one's custom one after every cache flush or whenever it reverts to the "default" theme.

Is it not possible to just "store" a custom theme permanently, I mean it's only a small ask, maybe it's just me, but I'm sure a fair few people are using custom themes.

It shouldn't be too difficult to implement...


[Banned]Monty June 10 2005 7:15 AM EDT

YES! Thank You! I love this idea. its so annoying having to go back and fine the theme u like and then u set it til the cache flush

TheEvolution June 10 2005 7:25 AM EDT

I Agree.

Manta June 10 2005 10:26 AM EDT

I like the idea too: I stopped using custom themes to avoid the hassle of having to reset it every time.

chernobyl June 10 2005 3:06 PM EDT

Wow, Manta, me too! I actually made and hosted my own small-fonts theme for my small monitor, then had to stop using it because it would randomly flip back to the default.
It would be nice to allow each player to store just *one* theme URL for personal use.
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