Magic The Gathering Online (in Off-topic)

Fuhgawz June 12 2005 9:36 AM EDT

I was just wondering if anyone here played it and wanted to trade some cards.

Kilobot571 June 12 2005 1:53 PM EDT

what is the site URL?

Aco June 12 2005 5:29 PM EDT

Magic: The Gathering of Virgins

(virgin as in holy maiden ofcourse)
my nephew used to play magic..... I used to have a forest card at one point :P

xDanELx June 12 2005 5:53 PM EDT

Did you have any specific card in mind or even just random lots? I have a few old cards that I'd like to trade off for cb2. We can meet online and you can give me an idea of how much you'd offer for it. This is pretty much just commons and uncommons that I don't like to keep. I'm not playing it anymore as I don't have a credit card to keep playing MODO.

TheEverblacksky June 12 2005 7:19 PM EDT

i do, i've started the dl since i haven't played in a bit, but we'll have to get into contact.

Xanthochroid June 13 2005 2:03 AM EDT

Magic Online is a scam - long live paper!

TheEverblacksky June 13 2005 8:33 PM EDT

if you want some paper cards i have some.... and i'm always looking for CB2 :D
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