DAWG / TresDots Loan (in Public Record)

DAWG June 12 2005 11:51 PM EDT

Loan given to TresDots $5,000,000
Interest rate of 7% a week increasing every 2 weeks will start after first week.
Flat fee of 200K for first week.

Starting Balance: $5,200,000

DAWG (Hellfire) TresDots (Ax3) $5000000 11:44 PM EDT
also on side note this is for an auction so if TresDots doesn't win his auction he will just have to pay me back $5 mill + xfer fee + 25K....
Which happens to be:
Loan: $5,000,000
Xfer Fee: $25,000
Additional fee: $25,000
Total: $5,050,000
(and this total is just if he doesn't win the auction)

3D June 12 2005 11:52 PM EDT

yes yes.

3D June 15 2005 1:26 AM EDT

Duke purchased my MH with nothing down so it switched. Duke now owes DAWG the money.
I guess this post is closed

DAWG June 15 2005 1:48 AM EDT

post closed loan transferd to duke... refer to new post
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