Free Ex Bow. (in Contests)

Cranium Basher June 13 2005 1:45 AM EDT

An Enforcer's Crossbow [4x7] (+8) 62,833

Post here Why you want it, And Why you deserve it.

Only 1 rule: You can under NO CONDITION sell this. If your done using it, you must give it away, either returning it to me, or making a post like this. If you give it away, the person you give it to must also abide by this rule; and so on and so forth.

onlyyouknow June 13 2005 2:24 AM EDT

I need it for my UC team, superman. Why I deserve it? I've got no idea actually. lol If you want to give it to me, I promise not to sell it but to give it to another person like you did.

[Banned]Monty June 13 2005 2:26 AM EDT

I could really use it for my new character because I have absolutely nothing except a ToJ and a LToE =/

Cranium Basher June 13 2005 2:33 AM EDT

Cranium Basher (Prince Chuckles) onlyyouknow (Superman) An Enforcer's Crossbow ($62833) -- Sell and Die 2:33 AM EDT

onlyyouknow June 13 2005 2:36 AM EDT

Wow, thanks! That's nice of you! I won't sell it but give it away when I don't need it anymore. :)
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