June 14 2005 11:48 AM EDT
Anywhere around 2k Clan points a day. We are a casual clan and don't expect you to buy BA , your allowed to take vacations as long as you notify us first. We generally get around 10% bonus, last few weeks have been a bit lower due to one of our members being MIA. Feel free to post here if your interested.
The max PR you can accept is 521,855
June 14 2005 3:05 PM EDT
I just haven't opened it up for new applicants till everyone that is interested has posted.
This thread is closed to new posts.
However, you are welcome to reference it
from a new thread; link this with the html
<a href="/bboard/q-and-a-fetch-msg.tcl?msg_id=001Nvc">Looking for one new clan member.</a>