Ytsejam/Rythgar Deal (in Public Record)

Ytsejam June 17 2005 1:32 AM EDT

Agreed to purchase the following from Rythgar for 850k:

A Buckler of Mandos [8] (+15) NW$473,473

I will pay Rythgar 300k up front, and the remaining 550k is due in a week. Rythgar, please confirm and I will send payment.

House June 17 2005 10:31 AM EDT


Ytsejam June 17 2005 10:35 AM EDT

Sent 400k to Rythgar:

Ytsejam (0xdeadf00d) Rythgar (Walker Boh) $400000 -- Purchase of +15 BoM 10:32 AM EDT

450k remaining. Awaiting transfer of BoM.

Ytsejam June 17 2005 7:45 PM EDT

Received BoM, thanks.

Sent 150k to Rythgar.

Ytsejam (0xdeadf00d) Rythgar (Walker Boh) $150000 -- Payment, +15 BoM 7:42 PM EDT

300k remaining.

Ytsejam June 18 2005 3:18 AM EDT

Sent final 300k:

Ytsejam (0xdeadf00d) Rythgar (Walker Boh) $300000 -- Payment, +15 BoM 3:17 AM EDT

Debt is now paid in full. Thanks.
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