New Item Ideas (in General)

5583 days old {Gaza} June 20 2005 1:21 AM EDT

Aikedo Familiar/Tattoo of Vitals: gives a chance of a critical strike (x2 or 3) on MELEE attacks only.

Supporter Item: Shield of Goliath (25+15) non upgradable
or Shield of the Kancho (20+15; 5% Bonus to UC)- power shield

~~ Shield (as BoM but for Dex; more expensive to upgrade)

maulaxe June 20 2005 5:43 AM EDT

Aikido ( i think thats the correct spelling )

for the tat, a fixed percentage based on tat level might be too powerful, it could be a percentage based also upon the level related to strength or UC (?) dunno just a thought
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