Another request for change month (in General)

QBJohnnywas June 23 2005 8:28 AM EDT

Couldn't find a request for this in the forums, so forgive me if it's been asked for before:

Can we have MPR on our graphs as well as the final pr after nw/tattoos? I'm not sure it's a useful request but it would be interesting to see. I'm too lazy to keep track of the information myself (!) but I'd like to see if my MPR speed of growth is the same as my tattoos or if they vary over time. Actually if anybody can tell me that from their own observations go ahead!

I'd also like to repeat my request for a link to my user page in the left hand frame. I made it before and Sefton repeated it in his post but I suspect it got lost in the following discussion!

Thanks =)

[EG] Almuric June 23 2005 8:31 AM EDT

MPR on graphs is on Jon's to-do list. He's said that.

QBJohnnywas June 23 2005 8:32 AM EDT

Ah, excellent. I ran a search but MPR came up blank and minion came up with way too many hits! Thanks for that.

Manta June 23 2005 8:33 AM EDT

"Couldn't find a request for this in the forums, so forgive me if it's been asked for before:"

At least twice (and everybody liked it, as far as I know).
For exactly that reason, next time please specify in the title of your thread the actual request.
Something like "request: MPR graph", for instance.

QBJohnnywas June 23 2005 8:36 AM EDT

LOL It's been asked this week then Manta...missed that one! I usually encounter freeze on my aged computer if I try to be more specific on search. There you go...
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