Am I using two accounts? (in Public Record)

Deegan June 24 2005 2:17 PM EDT

I've just decided to play around a little more on CB2. When I logged in with my e-mail account I was lead through the tutorial. I received a notification through the e-mail that my account was going to be deleted for lack of use, and I'm assuming that happened. I just want to make sure I don't get nailed for dual accounts. I know that ignorance of a second account doesn't make me innocent. I'd rather start fresh with this please delete any others that are tied to this e-mail addy. (addy avail upon request)


bartjan June 25 2005 9:37 AM EDT

You can't have 2 accounts on the same email address... as it is the email address that is used to login with. Are you sure that it was a CB2 account and not a CB1 account you got that email for? To what exact email address was that email sent to?

Deegan June 25 2005 1:46 PM EDT

Thanks for the clarification. Now that I look back it was a CB1 account. My bad.
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