History Never Repeats Forging for Warchild (in Public Record)

Warchild June 27 2005 5:54 PM EDT

History never repeats will be taking my VB from +33 to +40, with a partial point on the +34, for 388k (at 70%)...here is the break down of the charges

+34 74,547 NW increase (but RPM currently at 75%)
+35 through +40 518,496 NW increase

14,909 for Forge fees (this is for full amount)
9,318 for 50% (remaining profit) of the 25% left to increase
362,947 for 70% of +35 to +40 increase

387,174 total fees (I am rounding a bit on the actual payment)

also he is loaning me his ELS x42+38 for the duration of the job

5583 days old {Gaza} June 27 2005 5:55 PM EDT


Warchild June 27 2005 6:15 PM EDT

VB loaned for 3 days
97k (25% of the fee) sent up-front as requested

waiting on ELS

Warchild (Alucard) History never Repeats
(mechanical squirrel) $97000 -- forge fees 5:58 PM EDT
Warchild (Alucard) History never Repeats
(mechanical squirrel) loan A Vorpal Blade ($2661562) -- forging 5:57 PM EDT
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