ever heard of Achaea? (in Off-topic)

Jason Bourne June 28 2005 3:24 PM EDT

its a really tight game (a MUD for those of you who know)

its all text based (like good games are :P)

you travel around a HUGE world with your chosen character. you are able to choose what race, which class, and which city you live in. all of these have profound effects on who you turn out to be. its one of the coolest games i play...3rd actually (CB2, CB1, Achaea)

check it out! im a Horkval (insect like humanoid race who has the ability to leap, and incredible damage resistance)

im also planning on becoming a Monk (telekinetic powers, imazing hand to hand combat skills, and the ability to crush your opponent using your mind :D kinda like the Force)

check it out! it can be found at www.achaea.com and if that doesnt work (it should) just google Achaea dreams of divine lands :D

just try and stop me!

Undertow June 28 2005 3:44 PM EDT

Hey.... this actually looks fairly original for a MUD, I might check this out when I'm not at work.

Undertow June 28 2005 3:59 PM EDT

Is this Pay 2 Play at all? Even to the point of supportership in CB? Or ads, or is it run on donations?

Jason Bourne June 28 2005 4:22 PM EDT

um...its free for everyone, u can donate, and you can also use money to buy skill points if you want to be a little cheater and cast Holocaust in the newbie arena :S

but other than that, its free, and super fun :) but yes, you can buy lessons and perk things. they come in packages if i remember correctly and can be found somewhere on the main page.

if you join, choose your character and class carefully, it defines who you are and how easy it is for you to get around. pick a class to complement your character (ex. high dex = monk) this will give you the easiest time.

if you ever dont like your character, you can start over. multiple characters ARE allowed, and its fun to play 3 different angles, if you have the time that is. its very time consuming :)
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