Got a good B-day idea? Win 50k! (in Contests)

Undertow June 28 2005 4:32 PM EDT

Me and Maulaxe both have birthdays comming up. In fact, we might share a birthday, mine is July 3rd.

I pretty much know what I'm doing for my birthday (2 theater performances and maybe a movie. And possably swimming and a campfire at my house. The 2 performances are an improv show and Too Much Light Makes the Baby Go Blind, which really can't be explained

However, I'm always up for BETTER ideas.

I like comedy, fire, getting in trouble, women, and almost anything not pg.

While your responses must be pg in the forum, you can E-mail me more ideas here:


The idea must be acceptible to Men and Women, and must be able to include minors (18+). Bars and dens of sin are out.

Looking for a large group outing, 10-20.

Low cost is preferable (Maulaxe is especially young and broke) but I've got about $300 to play around with and don't need to worry much about my friends.

The winner will be chosen by me, and if Maulaxe wants to partcipate I'll throw 50k to someone he chooses.

Remember, to win you should think about more than just fun, be practicle.

OutKasT June 28 2005 4:44 PM EDT

Hey if you got a local beach you can go to you can go play volley ball have a b-b-q on the sand and go have events..

-Water Balloon Fight
-Horse Shoe
-Hot Dog Eating Contest
-Sand Castle Building

After the beach and it is close to sunset Go to the park or stay at the beach and play Hide and Go seek with flashlights and have smores and what ever you want..

[Banned]Monty June 28 2005 4:46 PM EDT

go get smashed!

Aco June 28 2005 5:06 PM EDT

how old are you outkast?

Anyway, go see if you can drive go-karts somewhere, and turn it into a little destruction derby by smashing into your friends. It even gets more fun when you've drunken a bit of alcohol (but I don't know what drinking age is in your country, so meh).

You could always go for paintball, lasershooting, the annual baby-sacrificing and various other fun activities

Undertow June 28 2005 5:12 PM EDT

The sacrifications have been taken care of, there is no need to account for that. ;)

The legal drinking age in America is 21.

I live about 45 minutes outside Chicago, the beach is possible.

I'll be turning 23, so I'm over the legal drinking age, but like I said there will probably be people involved less than 21. We could get smashed, and of course we would NEVER serve booze to MINORS! OH THE HUMANITY!

Undertow June 30 2005 8:07 PM EDT

Yah, I've got to get way more ideas than this for anyone to win.

Eagles July 2 2005 7:58 PM EDT

Go to hooters. there's booze for the adults, soda for the kids, really good food, women(hot women), and sports entertainment. what else do you need? You could always go somewhere else when your done.
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