bug possibly? (in General)

Jason Bourne July 6 2005 2:24 AM EDT

well this was my first time renting an item, but i put my Coi up for rentals, and it was rented by someone.

when i check the loaned/rented items link on the left frame, it says that i have rented an MgS (i did) and that i have loaned a bow to novice (which i did). shouldnt it also say that i rented out my Coi?

if its not supposed to, could it please? it would be much appreciated! :D

[T]Vestax July 6 2005 2:42 AM EDT

It seems rentals don't count. It says rented Items though and it makes me wonder if that is suppose to be items I rent, items I put out in rentals, or only items I get from loans that is not through rentals.

If you want to see the rented item information then go to Business >> Rentals. Then use the filter option to show your items being rented and those that are not.

Warchild July 6 2005 2:53 AM EDT

This is in no way a bug,
on the Loaned/rented items page there is this line

(Information about items you are renting out can be found by setting the appropriate filters in the main Rentals page.)

if you click on setting appropriate filters then it will take you to the rentals page with said filters in place or you can just go to the rentals page on your own and set the filters manually.
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